Source code for qsprpred.utils.parallel

import multiprocessing
import time
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from concurrent import futures
from concurrent.futures import Future
from typing import Iterable, Callable, Literal, Generator, Any

from pebble import ProcessFuture

from qsprpred.logs import logger

[docs]def batched_generator(iterable: Iterable, batch_size: int) -> Generator: """ A simple helper generator that batches inputs from a supplied `Iterable`. Args: iterable: An iterable object to batch with the generator. batch_size: Number of items to include in each batch. Returns: A generator that yields batches of the input generator one at a time. """ batch = [] for item in iterable: batch.append(item) if len(batch) == batch_size: yield batch batch = [] if batch: yield batch
[docs]class ParallelGenerator(ABC): """An abstract class to facilitate parallel processing of an arbitrary generator."""
[docs] @abstractmethod def make( self, generator: Generator, process_func: Callable, *args, **kwargs ) -> Generator: """ This method is used to wrap an input generator or an iterable (needs to support `next()`). The method should evaluate one item of the generator at a time and apply the `process_func` to it. This is done in parallel over a pool of workers. The method should return a generator that yields the results of the function applied in parallel as soon as the results are available. Therefore, the user can simply iterate over the generator to get the results. Args: generator: An iterable object to apply the function to. process_func: The function to apply to each item in the iterable. Returns: A generator that yields the results of the function applied to each item in the iterable in parallel. """
def __call__( self, generator: Generator, process_func: Callable, *args, **kwargs ) -> Generator: """ This method is used to wrap the `make` method and call it with the supplied arguments. This is a convenience method to make the class callable. Args: generator: An iterable object to apply the function to. process_func: The function to apply to each item in the iterable. Returns: A generator that yields the results of the function applied to each item in the iterable in parallel. """ return self.make(generator, process_func, *args, **kwargs)
[docs]class JITParallelGenerator(ParallelGenerator, ABC): """An abstract class to facilitate JIT (Just In Time) parallel processing of an arbitrary generator. This is meant for situations where the result of the generator is too large to fit into memory or not yet known. Parallelization can be done over a pool of CPU or GPU workers. The generator will yield the results of the function applied in parallel to each item of a supplied generator. """ def __init__( self, n_workers: int | None = None, worker_type: Literal["cpu", "gpu"] = "cpu", use_gpus: list[int] | None = None, jobs_per_gpu: int = 1 ): """Configures the multiprocessing pool generator. Args: n_workers(int): Number of workers to use. worker_type(Literal["cpu", "gpu"]): The type of worker to use. use_gpus(list[int] | None): A list of GPU indices to use. Only applicable if `worker_type` is 'gpu'. If None, all available GPUs will be used. jobs_per_gpu(int): Number of jobs to run on each GPU. """ self.workerType = worker_type if self.workerType not in ["cpu", "gpu"]: raise ValueError(f"The 'worker_type' must be one of 'cpu' " f"or 'gpu', got {self.workerType} instead.") if self.workerType == "gpu" and n_workers is not None: logger.warning( "The 'n_workers' argument is ignored when 'worker_type' is 'gpu'." "The number of workers is determined by 'use_gpus' and 'jobs_per_gpu'." ) if self.workerType == "gpu": self.jobsPerGpu = jobs_per_gpu if use_gpus is not None: self.useGpus = sorted(set(use_gpus)) self.useGpus = self.useGpus * self.jobsPerGpu else: logger.warning( "No GPUs specified. Using only the first gpu with index 0." "Only one job will be run on this GPU at a time." "If you want to use multiple GPUs, specify them using 'use_gpus' " "or run more jobs per GPU with 'jobs_per_gpu'." ) self.useGpus = [0] * self.jobsPerGpu self.nWorkers = len(self.useGpus) else: self.useGpus = [] self.jobsPerGpu = None self.nWorkers = n_workers or multiprocessing.cpu_count()
[docs] @abstractmethod def getPool(self) -> Any: """Create the pool of workers consuming the generator. Returns: A pool object that can be used to apply the function to the generator items in parallel. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def checkResultAvailable(self, process: Any) -> bool: """Check if the result of a process is available. Args: process(Any): The process object or a future to check for a result. Returns: `True` if the result is available, otherwise `False`. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def getResult(self, process: Any) -> Any: """Get the result of a process. Args: process(Any): The process object or a future to get the result from. Returns: The result of the process. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def checkProcess(self, process: Any): """A simple check of a process or future before a result is attempted to be retrieved. Args: process(Any): The process object or a future to check. Returns: `None` if the process is OK, otherwise raises an exception. Raises: Exception: If the process has a problem. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def handleException(self, process: Any, exception: Exception) -> Any: """Handle an exception raised by a process. This is executed when the process raises an unexpected exception or the `checkProcess` method raises an exception. Args: process(Any): The process object or a future that raised the exception. exception(Exception): The exception raised by the process. Returns: The result to yield instead of the result of the process. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def createJob(self, pool: Any, process_func: Callable, *args, **kwargs) -> Any: """Submit a job to the pool that applies the function to a generator item. Args: pool(Any): The pool object to submit the job to. process_func(Callable): The function to apply to the input arguments. args(tuple): Positional arguments to pass to the function. The first argument should be the item from the generator. kwargs(dict): Additional keyword arguments to pass to the function. Returns: The process object or future that was submitted to the pool. """
[docs] def make( self, generator: Generator, process_func: Callable, *args, **kwargs ) -> Generator: """A parallel "JIT (Just In Time)" generator that yields the results of a function applied in parallel to each item of a supplied generator. The advantage of this JIT implementation is that it only evaluates the next item in the input generator as soon as it is needed for the calculation. This means that only one item from the iterable is loaded into memory at a time. The generator also supports timeout for each job. The "pebble" pool_type can be used to support this feature. In all other cases, the "multiprocessing" pool_type is sufficient. Args: generator(SupportsNext): An iterable object to apply the function to. process_func(Callable): The function to apply to each item in the iterable. args(tuple | None): Additional positional arguments to pass to the function. kwargs(dict | None): Additional keyword arguments to pass to the function. Returns: A generator that yields the results of the function applied to each item in the iterable. If a timeout is specified, a `TimeoutError` will be returned instead. """ args = args or () kwargs = kwargs or {} gpu_pool = self.useGpus pool = self.getPool() with pool as pool: queue = [] gpus_to_jobs = {} done = False while not done or queue: try: # take a slice of the generator input_args = [next(generator), *list(args)] # add our next slice to the pool gpu = None if self.workerType == "gpu": # get the next free GPU gpu = gpu_pool.pop(0) job = self.createJob( pool, process_func, *input_args, **dict(**kwargs, gpu=gpu) if gpu is not None else kwargs ) queue.append(job) if self.workerType == "gpu": gpus_to_jobs[job] = gpu except StopIteration: # no more data, clear out the slice generator done = True # wait for a free worker or until all remaining workers finish logger.debug(f"Waiting for {len(queue)} workers to finish...") while queue and ((len(queue) >= self.nWorkers) or done): # grab a process response from the top process = queue.pop(0) try: # check process status self.checkProcess(process) # check if result available is_ready = self.checkResultAvailable(process) if is_ready: result = self.getResult(process) logger.debug( f"Yielding result: {result} for process: {process}" ) yield result if self.workerType == "gpu": gpu_pool.append(gpus_to_jobs[process]) logger.debug( f"GPU {gpus_to_jobs[process]} is free.") logger.debug(f"Free GPUs now: {gpu_pool}") logger.debug( f"Deleting job {process} from gpus_to_jobs.") del gpus_to_jobs[process] break # make sure to pop the next item from the generator else: # result not available yet, put process back in the queue queue.append(process) except Exception as exp: # something went wrong, log and yield the exception logger.exception(repr(exp)) yield self.handleException(process, exp) if self.workerType == "gpu": gpu_pool.append(gpus_to_jobs[process]) del gpus_to_jobs[process] break # make sure to pop the next item from the generator
[docs]class ThreadsJITGenerator(JITParallelGenerator): """This class uses the `concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor` to parallelize the processing of an input generator. Note that threads in Python are not truly parallel due to the Global Interpreter Lock (GIL). However, this can still be useful for I/O-bound tasks or tasks that are not CPU-bound downstream. """
[docs] def getPool(self) -> Any: from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor return ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=self.nWorkers)
[docs] def checkResultAvailable(self, process: Future): time.sleep(0.1) return process.done()
[docs] def getResult(self, process: Any): return process.result()
[docs] def checkProcess(self, process: Any): pass
[docs] def handleException(self, process: Any, exception: Exception) -> Any: return exception
[docs] def createJob(self, pool: Any, process_func: Callable, *args, **kwargs) -> Any: return pool.submit( process_func, *args, **kwargs )
[docs]class MultiprocessingJITGenerator(JITParallelGenerator): """ A parallel generator that uses the `multiprocessing` module to parallelize the processing of an input generator. This is useful when the input generator is too large to fit into memory and needs to be processed in parallel over a pool of workers. """
[docs] def getPool(self): return multiprocessing.Pool( processes=self.nWorkers )
[docs] def checkResultAvailable(self, process): try: process.wait(0.1) # check if process is done if not process.ready(): # not finished, return nothing return False else: return True except (futures.TimeoutError, TimeoutError): # not done yet, return nothing return False
[docs] def getResult(self, process): return process.get()
[docs] def checkProcess(self, process): pass
[docs] def handleException(self, process, exception): return exception
[docs] def createJob(self, pool, process_func, *args, **kwargs): return pool.apply_async( process_func, args, kwargs )
[docs]class PebbleJITGenerator(JITParallelGenerator): """Uses the `pebble` library to parallelize the processing of an input generator. The main benefit of using `pebble` is that it supports timeouts for each job, which makes it easy to handle jobs that take too long to process. """ def __init__( self, n_workers: int | None = None, worker_type: Literal["cpu", "gpu"] = "cpu", use_gpus: list[int] | None = None, jobs_per_gpu: int = 1, timeout: int | None = None ): """Configures the multiprocessing pool generator. Args: n_workers(int): Number of workers to use. worker_type(Literal["cpu", "gpu"]): The type of worker to use. use_gpus(list[int] | None): A list of GPU indices to use. Only applicable if `worker_type` is 'gpu'. If None, all available GPUs will be used. jobs_per_gpu(int): Number of jobs to run on each GPU. timeout(int | None): A timeout threshold in seconds. Processes that exceed this threshold will be terminated and a `TimeoutError` will be returned. """ super().__init__( n_workers=n_workers, worker_type=worker_type, use_gpus=use_gpus, jobs_per_gpu=jobs_per_gpu ) self.timeout = timeout
[docs] def getPool(self) -> Any: try: from pebble import ProcessPool return ProcessPool(max_workers=self.nWorkers) except ImportError: raise ImportError( "Failed to import pool type 'pebble'. Install it first.")
[docs] def checkResultAvailable(self, process: ProcessFuture): time.sleep(0.1) return process.done()
[docs] def getResult(self, process: Any): return process.result()
[docs] def checkProcess(self, process: Any): # check if job timed out if process.done() and type(process._exception) in [ TimeoutError, futures.TimeoutError ]: raise process._exception
[docs] def handleException(self, process: Any, exception: Exception) -> Any: return process._exception
[docs] def createJob(self, pool: Any, process_func: Callable, *args, **kwargs) -> Any: return pool.schedule( process_func, args=args, kwargs=kwargs, timeout=self.timeout )