Source code for qsprpred.extra.models.tests

Test module for testing extra models.


from typing import Type

from parameterized import parameterized
from sklearn.cross_decomposition import PLSRegression
from sklearn.impute import SimpleImputer
from xgboost import XGBClassifier, XGBRegressor

from import ProDec
from qsprpred.tasks import TargetProperty, TargetTasks
from .random import ScipyDistributionAlgorithm, RandomModel, RatioDistributionAlgorithm, \
from import DataSetsMixInExtras
from ..models.pcm import SklearnPCMModel
from ...utils.testing.base import QSPRTestCase
from ...utils.testing.check_mixins import ModelCheckMixIn
from ...utils.testing.path_mixins import ModelDataSetsPathMixIn

[docs]class ModelDataSetsMixInExtras(ModelDataSetsPathMixIn, DataSetsMixInExtras): """This class holds the tests for testing models in extras."""
[docs]class TestPCM(ModelDataSetsMixInExtras, ModelCheckMixIn, QSPRTestCase): """Test class for testing PCM models."""
[docs] def setUp(self): super().setUp() self.setUpPaths() self.nCPU = 1
[docs] def getModel( self, name: str, alg: Type | None = None, parameters: dict | None = None, random_state: int | None = None, ): """Initialize dataset and model. Args: name (str): Name of the model. alg (Type | None): Algorithm class. parameters (dict | None): Parameters to use. random_state (int | None): Random seed to use. Returns: SklearnPCMModel: Initialized model. """ return SklearnPCMModel( base_dir=self.generatedModelsPath, alg=alg, name=name, parameters=parameters, random_state=random_state, )
@parameterized.expand( [ ( alg_name, [{"name": "pchembl_value_Median", "task": TargetTasks.REGRESSION}], alg_name, alg, random_state, ) for alg, alg_name in ((XGBRegressor, "XGBR"),) for random_state in ([None], [1, 42], [42, 42]) ] + [ ( alg_name, [{"name": "pchembl_value_Median", "task": TargetTasks.REGRESSION}], alg_name, alg, [None], ) for alg, alg_name in ((PLSRegression, "PLSR"),) ] + [ ( alg_name, [ { "name": "pchembl_value_Median", "task": TargetTasks.SINGLECLASS, "th": [6.5], } ], alg_name, alg, random_state, ) for alg, alg_name in ((XGBClassifier, "XGBC"),) for random_state in ([None], [21, 42], [42, 42]) ] ) def testFittingPCM( self, _, props: list[TargetProperty | dict], model_name: str, model_class: Type, random_state: list[int | None], ): """Test model training for regression models. Args: _: Name of the test. props (list[TargetProperty | dict]): List of target properties. model_name (str): Name of the model. model_class (Type): Class of the model. """ if model_name not in ["SVR", "PLSR"]: parameters = {"n_jobs": self.nCPU} else: parameters = None # initialize dataset prep = self.getDefaultPrep() prep["feature_calculators"] = prep["feature_calculators"] + [ ProDec(["Sneath"], self.getMSAProvider(self.generatedDataPath)) ] dataset = self.createPCMDataSet( name=f"{model_name}_{props[0]['task']}_pcm", target_props=props, preparation_settings=prep, random_state=random_state[0], ) # initialize model for training from class model = self.getModel( name=f"{model_name}_{props[0]['task']}", alg=model_class, parameters=parameters, random_state=random_state[0], ) self.fitTest(model, dataset) predictor = SklearnPCMModel( name=f"{model_name}_{props[0]['task']}", base_dir=model.baseDir ) # make predictions with the trained model and check if the results are (not) # equal if the random state is the (not) same and at the same time # check if the output is the same before and after saving and loading for protein_id in sorted(set(dataset.getProperty(dataset.proteinCol))): subset = dataset.searchOnProperty( dataset.proteinCol, [protein_id], exact=True ) if random_state[0] is not None: comparison_model = self.getModel( name=f"{model_name}_{props[0]['task']}", alg=model_class, parameters=parameters, random_state=random_state[1], ) self.fitTest(comparison_model, dataset) self.predictorTest( predictor, # model loaded from file subset, comparison_model=comparison_model, # model not loaded from file protein_id=protein_id, expect_equal_result=random_state[0] == random_state[1], ) else: self.predictorTest( predictor, subset, protein_id=protein_id, )
[docs]class RandomBaseModelTestCase(ModelDataSetsMixInExtras, ModelCheckMixIn, QSPRTestCase):
[docs] def setUp(self): super().setUp() self.setUpPaths()
[docs] def getModel( self, name: str, alg: ScipyDistributionAlgorithm | RatioDistributionAlgorithm = ScipyDistributionAlgorithm, parameters: dict | None = None, random_state: int | None = None, ): """Initialize dataset and model. Args: name (str): Name of the model. alg (Type | None): Algorithm class. parameters (dict | None): Parameters to use. random_state (int | None): Random seed to use. Returns: RandomModel: Initialized model. """ return RandomModel( base_dir=self.generatedModelsPath, name=name, alg=alg, parameters=parameters, random_state=random_state, )
[docs]class TestRandomModelRegression(RandomBaseModelTestCase): """Test the RandomModel class for regression models.""" @parameterized.expand( [ ("RandomModel", TargetTasks.REGRESSION, random_state) for random_state in ([None], [1, 42], [42, 42]) ] ) def testRegressionBasicFit(self, model_name, task, random_state): # initialize dataset dataset = self.createLargeTestDataSet( target_props=[{"name": "CL", "task": task}], preparation_settings=self.getDefaultPrep(), ) # initialize model for training from class model = self.getModel( name=f"{model_name}_{task}", random_state=random_state[0], ) self.fitTest(model, dataset) # load model from file predictor = RandomModel( name=f"{model_name}_{task}", base_dir=model.baseDir, alg=MedianDistributionAlgorithm ) self.predictorTest(predictor, dataset) # test if the results are (not) equal if the random state is the (not) same # and check if the output is the same before and after saving and loading if random_state[0] is not None: comparison_model = self.getModel( name=f"{model_name}_{task}", random_state=random_state[1], ) self.fitTest(comparison_model, dataset) self.predictorTest( predictor, # model loaded from file dataset, comparison_model, # model not loaded from file expect_equal_result=random_state[0] == random_state[1], ) @parameterized.expand( [ ("RandomModel", random_state) for random_state in ([None], [1, 42], [42, 42]) ] ) def testRegressionMultiTaskFit(self, model_name, random_state: list[int | None]): """Test model training for multitask regression models.""" # initialize dataset dataset = self.createLargeTestDataSet( target_props=[ { "name": "fu", "task": TargetTasks.REGRESSION, "imputer": SimpleImputer(strategy="mean"), }, { "name": "CL", "task": TargetTasks.REGRESSION, "imputer": SimpleImputer(strategy="mean"), }, ], preparation_settings=self.getDefaultPrep(), ) # test classifier # initialize model for training from class model = self.getModel( name=f"{model_name}_multitask_regression", random_state=random_state[0], ) self.fitTest(model, dataset) predictor = RandomModel( name=f"{model_name}_multitask_regression", base_dir=model.baseDir, alg=MedianDistributionAlgorithm ) self.predictorTest(predictor, dataset) # test if the results are (not) equal if the random state is the (not) same # and check if the output is the same before and after saving and loading if random_state[0] is not None: comparison_model = self.getModel( name=f"{model_name}_multitask_regression", random_state=random_state[1], ) self.fitTest(comparison_model, dataset) self.predictorTest( predictor, dataset, comparison_model, expect_equal_result=random_state[0] == random_state[1], )
[docs]class TestRandomModelClassification(RandomBaseModelTestCase): """Test the RandomModel class for regression models.""" @parameterized.expand( [ (f"{alg_name}_{task}", task, th, alg_name, alg, random_state) for alg, alg_name in ( (RatioDistributionAlgorithm, "RandomModel"), ) for task, th in ( (TargetTasks.SINGLECLASS, [6.5]), (TargetTasks.MULTICLASS, [0, 2, 10, 1100]), ) for random_state in ([None], [42, 42]) ] ) def testClassificationBasicFit( self, _, task, th, model_name, model_class, random_state ): """Test model training for classification models.""" parameters = None # initialize dataset dataset = self.createLargeTestDataSet( target_props=[{"name": "CL", "task": task, "th": th}], preparation_settings=self.getDefaultPrep(), ) # test classifier # initialize model for training from class model = self.getModel( name=f"{model_name}_{task}", alg=model_class, parameters=parameters, random_state=random_state[0], ) self.fitTest(model, dataset) predictor = RandomModel( name=f"{model_name}_{task}", base_dir=model.baseDir, alg=RatioDistributionAlgorithm ) self.predictorTest(predictor, dataset) # test if the results are (not) equal if the random state is the (not) same # and check if the output is the same before and after saving and loading if random_state[0] is not None: comparison_model = self.getModel( name=f"{model_name}_{task}", alg=model_class, parameters=parameters, random_state=random_state[1], ) self.fitTest(comparison_model, dataset) self.predictorTest( predictor, # model loaded from file dataset, comparison_model, # model not loaded from file expect_equal_result=random_state[0] == random_state[1], )
[docs]class TestRandomModelClassificationMultiTask(RandomBaseModelTestCase): """Test the SklearnModel class for multi-task classification models.""" @parameterized.expand( [ (alg_name, alg_name, alg, random_state) for alg, alg_name in ((RatioDistributionAlgorithm, "RandomModel"),) for random_state in ([None], [42, 42]) ] ) def testClassificationMultiTaskFit(self, _, model_name, model_class, random_state): """Test model training for multitask classification models.""" parameters = {} # initialize dataset dataset = self.createLargeTestDataSet( target_props=[ { "name": "fu", "task": TargetTasks.SINGLECLASS, "th": [0.3], "imputer": SimpleImputer(strategy="mean"), }, { "name": "CL", "task": TargetTasks.SINGLECLASS, "th": [6.5], "imputer": SimpleImputer(strategy="mean"), }, ], preparation_settings=self.getDefaultPrep(), ) # test classifier # initialize model for training from class model = self.getModel( name=f"{model_name}_multitask_classification", alg=model_class, parameters=parameters, random_state=random_state[0], ) self.fitTest(model, dataset) predictor = RandomModel( name=f"{model_name}_multitask_classification", base_dir=model.baseDir, alg=RatioDistributionAlgorithm ) self.predictorTest(predictor, dataset) # test if the results are (not) equal if the random state is the (not) same # and check if the output is the same before and after saving and loading if random_state[0] is not None: comparison_model = self.getModel( name=f"{model_name}_multitask_classification", alg=model_class, parameters=parameters, random_state=random_state[1], ) self.fitTest(comparison_model, dataset) self.predictorTest( predictor, # model loaded from file dataset, comparison_model, # model not loaded from file expect_equal_result=random_state[0] == random_state[1], )