"""Here the DNN model originally from DrugEx can be found.
At the moment this contains a class for fully-connected DNNs.
import os
from typing import Any, Type
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import torch
from sklearn.model_selection import ShuffleSplit
from qsprpred.tasks import ModelTasks
from .base_torch import QSPRModelPyTorchGPU, DEFAULT_TORCH_GPUS
from ....data.sampling.splits import DataSplit
from ....data.tables.qspr import QSPRDataset
from ....extra.gpu.models.neural_network import STFullyConnected, Base
from ....models.early_stopping import EarlyStoppingMode, early_stopping
from ....models.monitors import BaseMonitor, FitMonitor
[docs]class DNNModel(QSPRModelPyTorchGPU):
"""This class holds the methods for training and fitting a
Deep Neural Net QSPR model initialization.
Here the model instance is created and parameters can be defined.
name (str): name of the model
alg (estimator): estimator instance or class
parameters (dict): dictionary of algorithm specific parameters
estimator (object):
the underlying estimator instance, if `fit` or optimization is performed,
this model instance gets updated accordingly
featureCalculators (MoleculeDescriptorsCalculator):
feature calculator instance taken from the data set
or deserialized from file if the model is loaded without data
featureStandardizer (SKLearnStandardizer):
feature standardizer instance taken from the data set
or deserialized from file if the model is loaded without data
baseDir (str):
base directory of the model, the model files
are stored in a subdirectory `{baseDir}/{outDir}/`
patience (int):
number of epochs to wait before early stop if no progress
on validation set score
tol (float):
minimum absolute improvement of loss necessary to count as
progress on best validation score
nClass (int): number of classes
nDim (int): number of features
patience (int):
number of epochs to wait before early stop
if no progress on validation set score
[docs] def getGPUs(self):
return self.gpus
[docs] def setGPUs(self, gpus: list[int]):
self.gpus = gpus
if not isinstance(self.estimator, str):
self.estimator.gpus = gpus
if torch.cuda.is_available() and gpus:
[docs] def getDevice(self) -> torch.device:
return self.device
[docs] def setDevice(self, device: str):
self.device = torch.device(device)
if isinstance(self.estimator, Base):
self.estimator.device = self.device
def __init__(
base_dir: str,
alg: Type = STFullyConnected,
name: str | None = None,
parameters: dict | None = None,
random_state: int | None = None,
autoload: bool = True,
gpus: list[int] = DEFAULT_TORCH_GPUS,
patience: int = 50,
tol: float = 0,
"""Initialize a DNNModel model.
base_dir (str):
base directory of the model, the model files are stored in
a subdirectory `{baseDir}/{outDir}/`
alg (Type, optional):
model class or instance. Defaults to STFullyConnected.
name (str, optional):
name of the model. Defaults to None.
parameters (dict, optional):
dictionary of algorithm specific parameters. Defaults to None.
autoload (bool, optional):
whether to load the model from file or not. Defaults to True.
device (torch.device, optional):
The cuda device. Defaults to `DEFAULT_TORCH_DEVICE`.
gpus (list[int], optional):
gpu number(s) to use for model fitting. Defaults to `DEFAULT_TORCH_GPUS`.
patience (int, optional):
number of epochs to wait before early stop if no progress
on validation set score. Defaults to 50.
tol (float, optional):
minimum absolute improvement of loss necessary to count as progress
on best validation score. Defaults to 0.
self.device = None
self.gpus = None
self.patience = patience
self.tol = tol
self.nClass = None
self.nDim = None
[docs] def initRandomState(self, random_state):
"""Set random state if applicable.
Defaults to random state of dataset if no random state is provided by the constructor.
random_state (int): Random state to use for shuffling and other random operations.
if random_state is not None:
def supportsEarlyStopping(self) -> bool:
"""Whether the model supports early stopping or not."""
return True
[docs] def initFromDataset(self, data: QSPRDataset | None):
if self.targetProperties[0].task.isRegression():
self.nClass = 1
elif data is not None:
self.nClass = self.targetProperties[0].nClasses
if data is not None:
self.nDim = data.getFeatures()[0].shape[1]
[docs] def loadEstimator(self, params: dict | None = None) -> object:
"""Load model from file or initialize new model.
params (dict, optional): model parameters. Defaults to None.
model (object): model instance
if self.nClass is None or self.nDim is None:
return "Uninitialized model."
# initialize model
estimator = self.alg(
is_reg=self.task == ModelTasks.REGRESSION,
# set parameters if available and return
new_parameters = self.getParameters(params)
if new_parameters is not None:
return estimator
[docs] def loadEstimatorFromFile(
self, params: dict | None = None, fallback_load: bool = True
) -> object:
"""Load estimator from file.
params (dict): parameters
fallback_load (bool):
if `True`, init estimator from `alg` and `params` if no estimator
found at path
estimator (object): estimator instance
path = f"{self.outPrefix}_weights.pkg"
estimator = self.loadEstimator(params)
if estimator == "Uninitialized model.":
return estimator
# load states if available
if os.path.exists(path):
elif not fallback_load:
raise FileNotFoundError(
f"No estimator found at {path}, "
f"loading estimator weights from file failed."
return estimator
[docs] def saveEstimator(self) -> str:
"""Save the DNNModel model.
str: path to the saved model
path = f"{self.outPrefix}_weights.pkg"
if not isinstance(self.estimator, str):
torch.save(self.estimator.state_dict(), path)
# just save the estimator message
with open(path, "w") as f:
return path
def fit(
X: pd.DataFrame | np.ndarray,
y: pd.DataFrame | np.ndarray,
estimator: Any | None = None,
mode: EarlyStoppingMode = EarlyStoppingMode.NOT_RECORDING,
split: DataSplit | None = None,
monitor: FitMonitor | None = None,
"""Fit the model to the given data matrix or `QSPRDataset`.
X (pd.DataFrame, np.ndarray): data matrix to fit
y (pd.DataFrame, np.ndarray): target matrix to fit
estimator (Any): estimator instance to use for fitting
mode (EarlyStoppingMode): early stopping mode
split (DataSplit): data split to use for early stopping,
if None, a ShuffleSplit with 10% validation set size is used
monitor (FitMonitor): fit monitor instance, if None, a BaseMonitor is used
kwargs (dict): additional keyword arguments for the estimator's fit method
Any: fitted estimator instance
int, optional: in case of early stopping, the number of iterations
after which the model stopped training
if self.task.isMultiTask():
raise NotImplementedError(
"Multitask modelling is not implemented for this model."
monitor = BaseMonitor() if monitor is None else monitor
estimator = self.estimator if estimator is None else estimator
estimator.device = self.device
estimator.gpus = self.gpus
split = split or ShuffleSplit(
n_splits=1, test_size=0.1, random_state=self.randomState
X, y = self.convertToNumpy(X, y)
# fit with early stopping
if self.earlyStopping:
# split cross validation fold train set into train
# and validation set for early stopping
train_index, val_index = next(split.split(X, y))
self, X[train_index, :], y[train_index], X[val_index, :], y[val_index]
estimator_fit = estimator.fit(
X[train_index, :],
X[val_index, :],
monitor.onFitEnd(estimator_fit[0], estimator_fit[1])
return estimator_fit
monitor.onFitStart(self, X, y)
# set fixed number of epochs if early stopping is not used
estimator.n_epochs = self.earlyStopping.getEpochs()
estimator_fit = estimator.fit(X, y, monitor=monitor, **kwargs)
return estimator_fit
[docs] def predict(
self, X: pd.DataFrame | np.ndarray | QSPRDataset, estimator: Any = None
) -> np.ndarray:
"""See `QSPRModel.predict`."""
estimator = self.estimator if estimator is None else estimator
estimator.device = self.device
estimator.gpus = self.gpus
scores = self.predictProba(X, estimator)
# return class labels for classification
if self.task.isClassification():
return np.argmax(scores[0], axis=1, keepdims=True)
return scores[0]
[docs] def predictProba(
self, X: pd.DataFrame | np.ndarray | QSPRDataset, estimator: Any = None
) -> np.ndarray:
"""See `QSPRModel.predictProba`."""
estimator = self.estimator if estimator is None else estimator
estimator.device = self.device
estimator.gpus = self.gpus
X = self.convertToNumpy(X)
return [estimator.predict(X)]