"""Different splitters to create train and tests for evalutating QSPR model performance.
To add a new data splitter:
* Add a datasplit subclass for your new splitter
from typing import Iterable
import numpy as np
from sklearn.impute import SimpleImputer
from qsprpred.data.sampling.splits import (
from qsprpred.data.tables.qspr import QSPRDataset
from qsprpred.extra.data.tables.pcm import PCMDataSet
from qsprpred.tasks import TargetProperty
[docs]class PCMSplit(DataSplit):
Splits a dataset into train and test set such that the subsets are balanced with
respect to each of the protein targets.
This is done with https://github.com/sohviluukkonen/gbmt-splits, linear programming
of initial clusters (random-, scaffold- or cluster-based) to get a balanced split.
dataset (PCMDataSet): The dataset to split.
splitter (DataSplit): The splitter to use on the initial clusters.
def __init__(self, splitter: DataSplit, dataset: PCMDataSet | None = None) -> None:
self.splitter = splitter
# Check that splitter is either RandomSplit, ScaffoldSplit or ClusterSplit
assert isinstance(
self.splitter, (RandomSplit, ScaffoldSplit, ClusterSplit)
), "Splitter must be either RandomSplit, ScaffoldSplit or ClusterSplit!"
if isinstance(self.splitter, (RandomSplit, ClusterSplit)):
self.splitter.setSeed(dataset.randomState if dataset is not None else None)
[docs] def split(self, X, y) -> Iterable[tuple[list[int], list[int]]]:
Split the PCM dataset into train and test set such that the subsets are balanced
with respect to the protein targets and there is not data leakage between the
train and test set.
Converts the PCM dataset into a multi-task dataset with protein targets as
columns and uses the given splitter to split the multi-task dataset.
X (np.ndarray | pd.DataFrame): the input data matrix
y (np.ndarray | pd.DataFrame | pd.Series): the target variable(s)
an generator over the generated subsets represented as a tuple of
(train_indices, test_indices) where the indices are the row indices of the
input data matrix X (note that these are integer indices, rather than a
pandas index!)
ds = self.getDataSet()
df = ds.getDF()
indices = df.index.tolist()
proteins = df[ds.proteinCol].unique()
task = ds.targetProperties[0].task
th = ds.targetProperties[0].th if task.isClassification() else None
assert (
len(ds.targetProperties) == 1
), "PCMSplit only works for single-task datasets!"
# TODO: Add support for multi-target (create a multi-task PCM dataset)
# with all target-task combinations as different columns and split that
# dataset with the given splitter
# Pivot dataframe to get a matrix with protein targets as columns
df_mt = df.pivot(
# Create target properties for multi-task dataset
mt_targetProperties = [
name=target, task=task, th=th, imputer=SimpleImputer(strategy="median")
for target in proteins
# temporarily create multi-task dataset and split it with the given splitter
ds_mt = QSPRDataset(
# Convert MT indices to indices of original PCM dataset
test_indices = []
for i in ds_mt.X_ind.index:
# Get SMILES and non-NaN targets for index i
smiles = df_mt.loc[i, ds_mt.smilesCol]
cols = df_mt.loc[i, :].dropna().index
targets = [col for col in cols if col in proteins]
for target in targets:
# Get index in the original PCM dataset the SMILES-target pair
a = df[ds.smilesCol] == smiles
b = df[ds.proteinCol] == target
if any(a & b):
ds_idx = df[a & b].index.astype(str)[0]
# Convert to numeric index
train_indices = [i for i in range(len(df)) if i not in test_indices]
return iter([(train_indices, test_indices)])
[docs]class LeaveTargetsOut(DataSplit):
def __init__(self, targets: list[str], dataset: PCMDataSet | None = None):
"""Creates a leave target out splitter.
targets (list): the identifiers of the targets to leave out as test set
dataset (PCMDataset): a `PCMDataset` instance to split
self.targets = list(set(targets))
[docs] def split(self, X, y):
ds = self.getDataSet()
ds_targets = ds.getProteinKeys()
for target in self.targets:
assert target in ds_targets, f"Target key '{target}' not in dataset!"
mask = ds.getProperty(ds.proteinCol).isin(ds_targets).values
indices = np.array(list(range(len(ds))))
train = indices[mask]
test = indices[~mask]
return iter([(train, test)])
[docs]class TemporalPerTarget(DataSplit):
def __init__(
year_col: str,
split_years: dict[str, int],
firts_year_per_compound: bool = True,
dataset: PCMDataSet | None = None,
"""Creates a temporal split that is consistent across targets.
year_col (str):
the name of the column in the dataframe that
contains the year information
split_years (dict[str,int]):
a dictionary with target keys as keys
and split years as values
firts_year_per_compound (bool):
if True, the first year a compound appears in the dataset is used
for all targets
dataset (PCMDataset):
a `PCMDataset` instance to split
self.splitYears = split_years
self.yearCol = year_col
self.firstYearPerCompound = firts_year_per_compound
[docs] def split(self, X, y) -> Iterable[tuple[list[int], list[int]]]:
ds = self.getDataSet()
df = ds.getDF()
indices = df.index.tolist()
# Set the first year a compound appears in the dataset as the year
# of the compound for all targets
if self.firstYearPerCompound:
first_years = df.groupby(ds.smilesCol)[self.yearCol].min()
df[self.yearCol + "_first"] = df[ds.smilesCol].map(first_years)
self.yearCol += "_first"
train_indices = []
test_indices = []
for target, split_year in self.splitYears.items():
df_target = df[df[ds.proteinCol] == target]
# Get indices of the train and test set
train = df_target[df_target[self.yearCol] <= split_year].index.tolist()
test = df_target[df_target[self.yearCol] > split_year].index.tolist()
# Check if there is data for the target before/after the split year
if len(train) == 0:
raise ValueError(
f"No training data for target {target} before {split_year}!"
elif len(test) == 0:
raise ValueError(
f"No test data for target {target} after {split_year}!"
# Convert to numeric indices
train_indices.extend([indices.index(i) for i in train])
test_indices.extend([indices.index(i) for i in test])
assert len(set(train_indices)) + len(set(test_indices)) == len(
), "Train and test set do not cover the whole dataset!"
return iter([(train_indices, test_indices)])