"""Descriptorset: a collection of descriptors that can be calculated for a molecule.
To add a new descriptor or fingerprint calculator:
* Add a descriptor subclass for your descriptor calculator
* Add a function to retrieve your descriptor by name to the descriptor retriever class
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import Type, Any, Generator
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from rdkit import Chem, DataStructs
from rdkit.Chem import AllChem, Crippen
from rdkit.Chem import Descriptors as desc
from rdkit.Chem import Lipinski
from rdkit.Chem import Mol, Descriptors
from rdkit.ML.Descriptors import MoleculeDescriptors
from ..processing.mol_processor import MolProcessorWithID
from ...logs import logger
from ...utils.serialization import JSONSerializable
[docs]class DescriptorSet(JSONSerializable, MolProcessorWithID, ABC):
"""`MolProcessorWithID` that calculates descriptors for a molecule."""
[docs] @staticmethod
def treatInfs(df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Replace infinite values by NaNs.
df: dataframe to treat
dataframe with infinite values replaced by NaNs
if np.isinf(df).any().any():
col_names = df.columns
x_loc, y_loc = np.where(np.isinf(df.values))
inf_cols = np.take(col_names, np.unique(y_loc))
"Infinite values in dataframe at columns:"
"And rows:"
# Convert absurdly high values to NaNs
df = df.replace([np.inf, -np.inf], np.NAN)
return df
[docs] @staticmethod
def iterMols(
mols: list[str | Mol], to_list=False
) -> list[Mol] | Generator[Mol, None, None]:
Create a molecule generator or list from RDKit molecules or SMILES.
mols: list of molecules (SMILES `str` or RDKit Mol)
to_list: if True, return a list instead of a generator
a list or generator of RDKit molecules
ret = (Chem.MolFromSmiles(mol) if isinstance(mol, str) else mol for mol in mols)
if to_list:
ret = list(ret)
return ret
[docs] def prepMols(self, mols: list[str | Mol]) -> list[Mol]:
"""Prepare the molecules for descriptor calculation."""
return self.iterMols(mols, to_list=True)
def __len__(self):
"""Return the number of descriptors currently calculated by this instance."""
return len(self.descriptors)
def __getstate__(self):
o_dict = super().__getstate__()
o_dict["descriptors"] = self.descriptors
return o_dict
def __setstate__(self, state):
self.descriptors = state["descriptors"]
def descriptors(self) -> list[str]:
"""Return a list of current descriptor names."""
def descriptors(self, names: list[str]):
"""Set calculated descriptors for this instance."""
def isFP(self):
"""Return True if descriptor set is a binary fingerprint."""
return False
def __str__(self):
"""Return string representation of the descriptor set.
This is used to uniquely identify the descriptor set.
It is used to name the created `DescriptorTable` instances.
def supportsParallel(self) -> bool:
"""Return `True` if the descriptor set supports parallel calculation."""
return True
def dtype(self):
"""Convert the descriptor values to this type."""
return np.float32
def __call__(
self, mols: list[str | Mol], props: dict[str, list[Any]], *args, **kwargs
) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Calculate the descriptors for a list of molecules and convert them
to a data frame with the molecule IDs as index. The values are converted
to the dtype specified by `self.dtype`. Infinite values are replaced by NaNs
using the `treatInfs` method.
The molecules are prepared first by calling the `DescriptorSet.prepMols` method.
If you call `DescriptorSet.getDescriptors` directly, you can skip this step.
mols(list): list of SMILES or RDKit molecules
props(dict): dictionary of properties for the passed molecules
*args: positional arguments
**kwargs: keyword arguments
data frame of descriptor values of shape (n_mols, n_descriptors)
mols = self.iterMols(mols, to_list=True)
values = self.getDescriptors(self.prepMols(mols), props, *args, **kwargs)
# check if descriptors have unique names
assert len(set(self.descriptors)) == len(
), f"Descriptor names are not unique for set '{self}': {self.descriptors}"
df = pd.DataFrame(
df = df.astype(self.dtype)
except ValueError as exp:
f"Could not convert descriptor values to '{self.dtype}': {exp}\n"
f"Keeping original types: {df.dtypes}"
df = self.treatInfs(df)
except TypeError as exp:
f"Could not treat infinite values because of type mismatch: {exp}"
return df
[docs] @abstractmethod
def getDescriptors(
self, mols: list[Mol], props: dict[str, list[Any]], *args, **kwargs
) -> np.ndarray:
"""Method to calculate descriptors for a list of molecules.
This method should use molecules as they are without any preparation.
Any preparation steps should be defined in the `DescriptorSet.prepMols` method.,
which is picked up by the main `DescriptorSet.__call__`.
mols(list): list of SMILES or RDKit molecules
props(dict): dictionary of properties
*args: positional arguments
**kwargs: keyword arguments
numpy array of descriptor values of shape (n_mols, n_descriptors)
[docs]class DataFrameDescriptorSet(DescriptorSet):
"""`DescriptorSet` that uses a `pandas.DataFrame` of precalculated descriptors."""
[docs] @staticmethod
def setIndex(df: pd.DataFrame, cols: list[str]):
"""Create a multi-index from several columns of the data set.
df (pd.DataFrame): DataFrame to set index for.
cols (list[str]): List of columns to use as the new multi-index.
df_index_tuples = df[cols].values
df_index_tuples = tuple(map(tuple, df_index_tuples))
df_index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(df_index_tuples, names=cols)
df.index = df_index
return df
def __init__(
df: pd.DataFrame,
joining_cols: list[str] | None = None,
"""Initialize the descriptor set with a dataframe of descriptors.
dataframe of descriptors
list of columns to use as joining index,
properties of the same name must exist in the data set
this descriptor is added to
suffix to add to the descriptor name
assume that a multi-index is already present in the supplied dataframe.
If `True`, the `joining_cols` argument must
also be specified to indicate which properties should
be used to create the multi-index in the destination.
if source_is_multi_index and not joining_cols:
raise ValueError(
"When 'source_is_multi_index=True', 'joining_cols' must be specified."
self._df = df
if joining_cols and not source_is_multi_index:
self._df = self.setIndex(self._df, joining_cols)
self._cols = joining_cols
self._descriptors = df.columns.tolist() if df is not None else []
if joining_cols:
self._descriptors = [
col for col in self._descriptors if col not in joining_cols
self.suffix = suffix
def requiredProps(self) -> list[str]:
"""Return the required properties for the dataframe."""
prior = super().requiredProps
new = prior + self._cols if self._cols is not None else prior
return list(set(new)) # remove duplicates
[docs] def getDF(self):
"""Return the dataframe of descriptors."""
return self._df
[docs] def getIndex(self):
"""Return the index of the dataframe."""
return self._df.index if self._df is not None else None
[docs] def getIndexCols(self):
"""Return the index columns of the dataframe."""
return self._cols if self._df is not None else None
[docs] def getDescriptors(
self, mols: list[Mol], props: dict[str, list[Any]], *args, **kwargs
) -> np.ndarray:
"""Return the descriptors for the input molecules. It simply searches
for descriptor values in the data frame using the `idProp` as index.
mols: list of SMILES or RDKit molecules
props: dictionary of properties
*args: positional arguments
**kwargs: keyword arguments
numpy array of descriptor values of shape (n_mols, n_descriptors)
# create a return data frame with the desired columns as index
index_cols = self.getIndexCols()
if index_cols:
ret = pd.DataFrame(
# fetch the join columns from our required props
{col: props[col] for col in index_cols}
ret = self.setIndex(ret, index_cols) # set our multi-index
ret.drop(columns=index_cols, inplace=True) # only keep the index
ret = pd.DataFrame(index=pd.Index(props[self.idProp], name=self.idProp))
ret = ret.join(
# join in our descriptors
# each molecule gets the correct descriptors from the data frame
# ret is in the same order as the input mols, so we can just return the values
return ret[self.descriptors].values
def descriptors(self):
return self._descriptors
def descriptors(self, value):
self._descriptors = value
def __str__(self):
return "DataFrame" if not self.suffix else f"{self.suffix}_DataFrame"
[docs]class DrugExPhyschem(DescriptorSet):
"""Various properties used for scoring in DrugEx."""
_notJSON = [*DescriptorSet._notJSON, "_prop_dict"]
def __init__(self, physchem_props: list[str] | None = None):
"""Initialize the descriptorset with Property arguments (a list of properties to
calculate) to select a subset.
physchem_props: list of properties to calculate
self._prop_dict = self.getPropDict()
if physchem_props:
self.props = physchem_props
self.props = sorted(self._prop_dict.keys())
[docs] def getDescriptors(self, mols, props, *args, **kwargs):
"""Calculate the DrugEx properties for a molecule."""
mols = self.iterMols(mols, to_list=True)
scores = np.zeros((len(mols), len(self.props)))
for i, mol in enumerate(mols):
for j, prop in enumerate(self.props):
scores[i, j] = self._prop_dict[prop](mol)
except Exception as exp:
logger.warning(f"Could not calculate {prop} for {mol}.")
return scores
def __setstate__(self, state):
self._prop_dict = self.getPropDict()
def descriptors(self):
return self.props
def descriptors(self, props):
"""Set new props as a list of names."""
self.props = props
def __str__(self):
return "DrugExPhyschem"
[docs] @staticmethod
def getPropDict():
return {
"MW": desc.MolWt,
"logP": Crippen.MolLogP,
"HBA": AllChem.CalcNumLipinskiHBA,
"HBD": AllChem.CalcNumLipinskiHBD,
"Rotable": AllChem.CalcNumRotatableBonds,
"Amide": AllChem.CalcNumAmideBonds,
"Bridge": AllChem.CalcNumBridgeheadAtoms,
"Hetero": AllChem.CalcNumHeteroatoms,
"Heavy": Lipinski.HeavyAtomCount,
"Spiro": AllChem.CalcNumSpiroAtoms,
"FCSP3": AllChem.CalcFractionCSP3,
"Ring": Lipinski.RingCount,
"Aliphatic": AllChem.CalcNumAliphaticRings,
"Aromatic": AllChem.CalcNumAromaticRings,
"Saturated": AllChem.CalcNumSaturatedRings,
"HeteroR": AllChem.CalcNumHeterocycles,
"TPSA": AllChem.CalcTPSA,
"Valence": desc.NumValenceElectrons,
"MR": Crippen.MolMR,
[docs]class RDKitDescs(DescriptorSet):
Calculate RDkit descriptors.
rdkit_descriptors: list of descriptors to calculate, if none, all 2D rdkit
descriptors will be calculated
include_3d: if True, 3D descriptors will be calculated
def __init__(
self, rdkit_descriptors: list[str] | None = None, include_3d: bool = False
self.descriptors = (
if rdkit_descriptors is not None
else sorted({x[0] for x in Descriptors._descList})
if include_3d:
self.descriptors = sorted(
self.include3D = include_3d
[docs] def getDescriptors(
self, mols: list[Mol], props: dict[str, list[Any]], *args, **kwargs
) -> np.ndarray:
mols = self.iterMols(mols, to_list=True)
scores = np.zeros((len(mols), len(self.descriptors)))
calc = MoleculeDescriptors.MolecularDescriptorCalculator(self.descriptors)
for i, mol in enumerate(mols):
scores[i] = calc.CalcDescriptors(mol)
except AttributeError:
scores[i] = [np.nan] * len(self.descriptors)
return scores
def descriptors(self):
return self._descriptors
def descriptors(self, descriptors):
self._descriptors = descriptors
def __str__(self):
return "RDkit"
[docs]class TanimotoDistances(DescriptorSet):
Calculate Tanimoto distances to a list of SMILES sequences.
list_of_smiles (list of strings): list of SMILES to calculate the distances.
fingerprint_type (str): fingerprint type to use.
*args: `fingerprint` arguments
**kwargs: `fingerprint` keyword arguments, should contain fingerprint_type
def __init__(self, list_of_smiles, fingerprint_type, *args, **kwargs):
"""Initialize the descriptorset with a list of SMILES sequences and a
fingerprint type.
list_of_smiles (list of strings): list of SMILES sequences to calculate
distance to
fingerprint_type (Fingerprint): fingerprint type to use
self._descriptors = list_of_smiles
self.fingerprintType = fingerprint_type
self._args = args
self._kwargs = kwargs
# intialize fingerprint calculator
self.fp = fingerprint_type
self.fps = self.calculate_fingerprints(list_of_smiles)
[docs] def getDescriptors(
self, mols: list[Mol], props: dict[str, list[Any]], *args, **kwargs
) -> np.ndarray:
"""Calculate the Tanimoto distances to the list of SMILES sequences.
mols (List[str] or List[rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Mol]): SMILES sequences or RDKit
molecules to calculate the distances.
mols = [
Chem.MolFromSmiles(mol) if isinstance(mol, str) else mol for mol in mols
# Convert np.arrays to BitVects
fps = [
DataStructs.CreateFromBitString("".join(map(str, x)))
for x in self.fp.getDescriptors(mols, props, *args, **kwargs)
return np.array(
list(1 - np.array(DataStructs.BulkTanimotoSimilarity(fp, self.fps)))
for fp in fps
[docs] def calculate_fingerprints(self, list_of_smiles):
"""Calculate the fingerprints for the list of SMILES sequences."""
# Convert np.arrays to BitVects
return [
DataStructs.CreateFromBitString("".join(map(str, x)))
for x in self.fp.getDescriptors(
[Chem.MolFromSmiles(smiles) for smiles in list_of_smiles],
props={"QSPRID": list_of_smiles},
def descriptors(self):
return self._descriptors
def descriptors(self, list_of_smiles):
"""Set new list of SMILES sequences to calculate distance to."""
self._descriptors = list_of_smiles
self.list_of_smiles = list_of_smiles
self.fps = self.calculate_fingerprints(self.list_of_smiles)
def __str__(self):
return "TanimotoDistances"
[docs]class PredictorDesc(DescriptorSet):
"""MoleculeDescriptorSet that uses a Predictor object to calculate descriptors from
a molecule."""
_notJSON = [*DescriptorSet._notJSON, "model"]
def __init__(self, model: Type["QSPRModel"] | str):
Initialize the descriptorset with a `QSPRModel` object.
model (QSPRModel): a fitted model instance or a path to the model's meta file
if isinstance(model, str):
from ...models.model import QSPRModel
self.model = QSPRModel.fromFile(model)
self.model = model
self._descriptors = [self.model.name]
def __getstate__(self):
o_dict = super().__getstate__()
o_dict["model"] = self.model.metaFile
return o_dict
def __setstate__(self, state):
from ...models.model import QSPRModel
self.model = QSPRModel.fromFile(self.model)
[docs] def getDescriptors(self, mols, props, *args, **kwargs):
Calculate the descriptor for a list of molecules.
mols (list): list of smiles or rdkit molecules
an array of descriptor values
mols = self.iterMols(mols, to_list=True)
return self.model.predictMols(mols, use_probas=False)
def descriptors(self):
return self._descriptors
def descriptors(self, descriptors):
self._descriptors = descriptors
def __str__(self):
return "PredictorDesc"
[docs]class SmilesDesc(DescriptorSet):
"""Descriptorset that calculates descriptors from a SMILES sequence."""
[docs] @staticmethod
def treatInfs(df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
return df
[docs] def getDescriptors(
self, mols: list[Mol], props: dict[str, list[Any]], *args, **kwargs
) -> np.ndarray:
"""Return smiles as descriptors.
mols (list): list of smiles or rdkit molecules
an array or data frame of descriptor values of shape (n_mols, n_descriptors)
if all(isinstance(mol, str) for mol in mols):
return np.array(mols)
elif all(isinstance(mol, Mol) for mol in mols):
return np.array([Chem.MolToSmiles(mol) for mol in mols])
raise ValueError("Molecules should be either SMILES or RDKit Mol objects.")
def dtype(self):
return str
def descriptors(self):
return ["SMILES"]
def descriptors(self, descriptors):
def __str__(self):
return "SmilesDesc"