from typing import Literal
from rdkit import Chem
[docs]def match_mol_to_smarts(
mol: Chem.Mol | str,
smarts: list[str],
operator: Literal["or", "and"] = "or",
use_chirality: bool = False
Check if a molecule matches a SMARTS pattern.
mol: Molecule to check.
smarts: SMARTS patterns to check.
operator: Whether to use an "or" or "and" operator on patterns. Defaults to "or".
use_chirality: Whether to use chirality in the search.
(bool): True if the molecule matches the pattern, False otherwise.
mol = Chem.MolFromSmiles(mol) if isinstance(mol, str) else mol
ret = False
for smart in smarts:
ret = mol.HasSubstructMatch(Chem.MolFromSmarts(smart),
if operator == "or":
if ret:
return True
elif operator == "and":
if ret:
ret = True
return False
return ret