Source code for drugex.utils.gcmol


Created by: Martin Sicho
On: 10.06.22, 16:50

# to solve AttributeError: module 'utils' has no attribute 'canonicalize_list'
from typing import Optional, Iterable, List

from rdkit import Chem

[docs]def canonicalize(smiles: str, include_stereocenters=True) -> Optional[str]: """ Canonicalize the SMILES strings with RDKit. The algorithm is detailed under Args: smiles: SMILES string to canonicalize include_stereocenters: whether to keep the stereochemical information in the canonical SMILES string Returns: Canonicalized SMILES string, None if the molecule is invalid. """ mol = Chem.MolFromSmiles(smiles) if mol is not None: return Chem.MolToSmiles(mol, isomericSmiles=include_stereocenters) else: return None
[docs]def remove_duplicates(list_with_duplicates): """ Removes the duplicates and keeps the ordering of the original list. For duplicates, the first occurrence is kept and the later occurrences are ignored. Args: list_with_duplicates: list that possibly contains duplicates Returns: A list with no duplicates. """ unique_set = set() unique_list = [] for element in list_with_duplicates: if element not in unique_set: unique_set.add(element) unique_list.append(element) return unique_list
[docs]def canonicalize_list(smiles_list: Iterable[str], include_stereocenters=True) -> List[str]: """ Canonicalize a list of smiles. Filters out repetitions and removes corrupted molecules. Args: smiles_list: molecules as SMILES strings include_stereocenters: whether to keep the stereochemical information in the canonical SMILES strings Returns: The canonicalized and filtered input smiles. """ canonicalized_smiles = [canonicalize(smiles, include_stereocenters) for smiles in smiles_list] # Remove None elements canonicalized_smiles = [s for s in canonicalized_smiles if s is not None] return remove_duplicates(canonicalized_smiles)