Source code for


Created by: Martin Sicho
On: 01.06.22, 11:29
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from copy import deepcopy

import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import gmean
from typing import List, Tuple, Union, Dict, Optional

import torch
from torch import nn
from tqdm import tqdm

from drugex.logs import logger
from drugex.utils import get_Pareto_fronts
from import SmilesChecker
#from import NullMonitor

[docs]class ModelEvaluator(ABC): """ A simple function to score a model based on the generated molecules and input fragments if applicable. """ @abstractmethod def __call__(self, mols, frags=None): """ Score molecules. Parameters ---------- mols : list List of SMILES strings of the molecules to score. frags : list, optional List of SMILES strings of the fragments used to generate the molecules. Returns ------- pd.DataFrame A DataFrame with the scores for the molecules. """ pass
[docs]class RewardScheme(ABC): """ Reward scheme that enables ranking of molecules based on the calculated objectives and other criteria. """
[docs] class RewardException(Exception): """ Exception to catch errors in the calculation of rewards. """ pass
@abstractmethod def __call__(self, smiles, scores, thresholds): """ Calculate the rewards for generated molecules and rank them according to teh given `RankingStrategy`. Parameters ---------- smiles : list List of SMILES strings of the molecules to rank. scores : np.ndarray Matrix of scores for the multiple objectives thresholds : list List of thresholds for the objectives. Returns ------- np.ndarray Array of rewards for the molecules. """ pass
[docs]class Environment(ModelEvaluator): """ Definition of the generic environment class for DrugEx. Reference implementation is `DrugExEnvironment`. """ def __init__(self, scorers, thresholds=None, reward_scheme=None): """ Initialize environment with objective functions and their desirability thresholds. Molecules scoring above thresholds are desirable. Parameters ---------- scorers : list List of objective functions to use for scoring molecules. thresholds : list, optional List of desirability thresholds for the objective functions. If `None`, all thresholds are set to 0.99. reward_scheme : RewardScheme, optional The reward scheme to use for ranking solutions. If `None`, the `DefaultRewardScheme` is used. Raises ------ AssertionError If the number of scorers and thresholds does not match. Notes ----- The `scorers` and `thresholds` are passed to the `RewardScheme` as well. """ self.scorers = scorers self.thresholds = thresholds if thresholds is not None else [0.99] * len(scorers) assert len(self.scorers) == len(self.thresholds) self.rewardScheme = reward_scheme def __call__(self, smiles, frags=None): """ Score molecules. Parameters ---------- smiles : list List of SMILES strings of the molecules to score. frags : list, optional List of SMILES strings of the fragments used to generate the molecules. Returns ------- pd.DataFrame A DataFrame with the scores for the molecules.""" return self.getScores(smiles, frags)
[docs] @abstractmethod def getScores(self, smiles, frags=None): """ Calculate the scores of all objectives per molecule and qualify generated molecules (valid, accurate, desired). Parameters ---------- smiles : list List of SMILES strings of the molecules to score. frags : list, optional List of SMILES strings of the fragments used to generate the molecules. Returns ------- pd.DataFrame A DataFrame with the scores and qualifications for the molecules. """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def getUnmodifiedScores(self, smiles): """ Calculate the scores without applying modifiers of all objectives per molecule. Parameters ---------- smiles : list List of SMILES strings of the molecules to score. Returns ------- pd.DataFrame A DataFrame with the scores for the molecules. """ pass
[docs] def getRewards(self, smiles, frags=None): """ Calculate the single value as the reward for each molecule used for reinforcement learning. Parameters ---------- smiles : list List of SMILES strings of the molecules to score. frags : list, optional List of SMILES strings of the fragments used to generate the molecules. Returns ------- np.ndarray Array of rewards for the molecules. """ # Get scores scores = self.getScores(smiles, frags=frags) scores['SMILES'] = smiles # Initialize rewards to 0 rewards = np.zeros((len(smiles),1)) valid_idx = scores[scores.Valid == 1].index.tolist() # Compute rewards for valid molecules if len(valid_idx) > 0: smiles_valid = scores[scores.Valid == 1].SMILES.tolist() scores_valid = scores.loc[scores.Valid == 1, self.getScorerKeys()].values rewards_valid = self.rewardScheme(smiles_valid, scores_valid, self.thresholds) rewards[valid_idx] = rewards_valid else: logger.warning("No valid molecules generated. All rewards are 0.") return rewards
[docs] def getScorerKeys(self): """ Get the keys of the scorers. Returns ------- list List of keys of the scorers. """ return [x.getKey() for x in self.scorers]
[docs]class ModelProvider(ABC): """ Any instance that contains a DrugEx `Model` or its serialized form (i.e a state dictionary). """
[docs] @abstractmethod def getModel(self): """ Return the current model as a `Model` instance or in serialized form. Returns ------- Model or dict The current model or its serialized form. """ pass
[docs]class Model(nn.Module, ModelProvider, ABC): """ Generic base class for all PyTorch models in DrugEx. Manages the GPU or CPU gpus available to the model. """ def __init__(self, device=DEFAULT_DEVICE, use_gpus=DEFAULT_GPUS): super().__init__() """ Initialize the model with the given device and GPUs. Parameters ---------- device : torch.device, optional The device to use for the model. If `None`, the default device is used. use_gpus : list, optional List of GPUs to use for the model. If `None`, the default GPUs are used. """ self.device = None self.gpus = None self.updateDevices(device, use_gpus)
[docs] def updateDevices(self, device, gpus): """ Update the device and GPUs used by the model. Parameters ---------- device : torch.device The device to use for the model. gpus : list List of GPUs to use for the model. """ if device.type == 'cpu': self.device = torch.device('cpu') self.gpus = (-1,) elif device.type == 'cuda': self.device = torch.device(f'cuda:{gpus[0]}') self.attachToGPUs(gpus) else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown device: {device}")
[docs] @abstractmethod def attachToGPUs(self, gpus): """ Use this method to handle a request to change the used GPUs. This method is automatically called when the class is instantiated, but may need to be called again in subclasses to move all data to the required devices. Subclasses should also make sure to set "self.device" to the currently used device and "self.gpus" to GPU ids of the currently used GPUs Parameters ---------- gpus : tuple Tuple of GPU ids to use. """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def fit(self, train_loader, valid_loader, epochs=1000, monitor=None, **kwargs): """ Train and validate the model with a given training and validation loader (see `DataSet` and its implementations docs to learn how to generate them). Parameters ---------- train_loader : The training data loader. valid_loader : The validation data loader. epochs : int, optional The number of epochs to train the model for. monitor : TrainingMonitor, optional A `TrainingMonitor` instance to monitor the training process. **kwargs Additional keyword arguments to pass to the training loop. """ pass
[docs] def loadStatesFromFile(self, path): """ Load the model states from a file. Parameters ---------- path : str The path to the file containing the model states. """ self.loadStates(torch.load(path, map_location=self.device))
[docs] def loadStates(self, state_dict, strict=True): """ Load the model states from a dictionary. Parameters ---------- state_dict : dict The dictionary containing the model states. strict : bool, optional Whether to raise an error if the dictionary contains keys that do not match the model. """ self.load_state_dict(state_dict, strict=strict)
[docs]class TrainingMonitor(ModelProvider, ABC): """ Interface used to monitor model training. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def saveModel(self, model): """ Save the state dictionary of the `Model` instance currently being trained or serialize the model any other way. Parameters ---------- model : Model The model to save. """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def savePerformanceInfo(self, performance_dict, df_smiles=None): """ Save the performance data for the current epoch. Parameters ---------- performance_dict : dict A dictionary with the performance data. df_smiles : pd.DataFrame A DataFrame with the SMILES of the molecules generated in the current epoch. """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def saveProgress(self, current_step=None, current_epoch=None, total_steps=None, total_epochs=None, *args, **kwargs): """ Notifies the monitor of the current progress of the training. Parameters ---------- current_step : int, optional The current training step (i.e. batch). current_epoch : int, optional The current epoch. total_steps : int, optional The total number of training steps. total_epochs : int, optional The total number of epochs. *args Additional arguments depending on the model type. **kwargs Additional keyword arguments depending on the model type. """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def endStep(self, step, epoch): """ Notify the monitor that a step of the training has finished. Parameters ---------- step : int The current training step (i.e. batch). epoch : int The current epoch. """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def close(self): """ Close this monitor. Training has finished. """ pass