Created by: Martin Sicho
On: 01.06.22, 11:29
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from copy import deepcopy
import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import gmean
import torch
from torch import nn
from tqdm import tqdm
from drugex.logs import logger
from drugex.training.interfaces import Model
from drugex.training.monitors import NullMonitor
[docs]class Explorer(Model, ABC):
Implements the DrugEx exploration strategy for DrugEx models under the reinforcement learning framework.
def __init__(self, agent, env, mutate=None, crover=None, no_multifrag_smiles=True,
batch_size=128, epsilon=0.1, beta=0.0, n_samples=-1,
Initialize the explorer.
agent : Model
The agent model optimized by the explorer.
env : Environment
The environment in which the agent operates.
mutate : Generator
The pre-trained network which increases the exploration of the chemical space.
crover : Generator
The iteratively updated network which increases the exploitation of the chemical space.
no_multifrag_smiles : bool
If True, only single-fragment SMILES are considered valid.
batch_size : int
The batch size used for training.
epsilon : float
The probability of using the mutate network to generate new molecules.
beta : float
The baseline for the reward function.
n_samples : int
The number of samples to generate in each iteration. If -1, the whole dataset is used per epoch.
device : str
The device on which the model is trained.
use_gpus : tuple
The GPUs to use for training.
super().__init__(device=device, use_gpus=use_gpus)
self.agent = agent
self.mutate = mutate
self.crover = crover
self.batchSize = batch_size
self.epsilon = epsilon
self.beta = beta
self.env = env
self.nSamples = n_samples
self.no_multifrag_smiles = no_multifrag_smiles
self.bestState = None
self.best_value = 0
self.last_save = -1
self.last_iter = -1
[docs] def attachToGPUs(self, gpus):
Attach the model to GPUs
gpus : tuple
The GPUs to use for training.
if hasattr(self, 'agent'):
if hasattr(self, 'mutate') and self.mutate:
if hasattr(self, 'crover') and self.crover:
self.gpus = gpus
[docs] def getNovelMoleculeMetrics(self, scores):
""" Get metrics for novel molecules
scores : pd.DataFrame
The scores for each molecule.
The metrics:
- valid_ratio (float): ratio of valid molecules
- unique_ratio (float): ratio of valid and unique molecules
- desired_ratio (float): ratio of valid, unique and desired molecules
- avg_amean (float): average arithmetic mean score of valid and unique molecules
- avg_gmean (float): average geometric mean score of valid and unique molecules
dct = {}
ntot = len(scores)
# Valid compounds
valid = scores[scores.Valid == 1]
dct['valid_ratio'] = len(valid) / ntot
# Accurate compounds
if 'Accurate' in scores.columns:
accurate = valid[valid.Accurate == 1]
dct['accurate_ratio'] = len(accurate) / ntot
accurate = valid
# Unique compounds
unique = accurate.drop_duplicates(subset='SMILES')
dct['unique_ratio'] = len(unique) / ntot
# Desired compounds
dct['desired_ratio'] = unique.Desired.sum() / ntot
# Average artithmetic and geometric mean score
dct['avg_amean'] = unique[self.env.getScorerKeys()].values.mean()
dct['avg_gmean'] = unique[self.env.getScorerKeys()].apply(gmean, axis=1).mean()
return dct
[docs] def saveBestState(self, value, epoch, it):
Save best state based on selection criteria
value : float
The value of the selection criteria.
epoch : int
The current epoch.
it : int
self.bestState = deepcopy(self.agent.state_dict())
self.best_value = value
self.last_save = epoch
self.last_iter = it
logger.info(f"Model saved at epoch {epoch}")
[docs] @abstractmethod
def fit(self, train_loader, valid_loader=None, epochs=1000, monitor=None):
[docs] @abstractmethod
def policy_gradient(self, *args, **kwargs):
Policy gradient training.
[docs] def getModel(self):
Returns the current state of the agent
The current state of the agent
return deepcopy(self.agent.state_dict())
[docs]class FragExplorer(Explorer):
Implements the DrugEx exploration strategy for DrugEx models under
the reinforcement learning framework for fragment-based generators
[docs] @abstractmethod
def getBatchOutputs(self, src, net):
Outputs (frags, smiles) and loss of the agent for a batch of fragments-molecule pairs.
[docs] def policy_gradient(self, loader):
Policy gradient training.
Novel molecules are generated by the agent and are scored by the environment.
The policy gradient is calculated using the REINFORCE algorithm and the agent is updated.
loader : torch.utils.data.DataLoader
Data loader for training data
The average loss of the agent
net = nn.DataParallel(self.agent, device_ids=self.gpus)
total_steps = len(loader)
for step_idx, src in enumerate(tqdm(loader, desc='Calculating policy gradient...', leave=False)):
# Decode fragments and smiles, and get loss
frags, smiles, loss = self.getBatchOutputs(net, src)
# Get rewards
reward = self.env.getRewards(smiles, frags=frags)
# Filter out molecules with multiple fragments by setting reward to 0
if self.no_multifrag_smiles:
reward = np.array([r if s.count('.') == 0 else [0] for s,r in zip(smiles, reward)])
reward = torch.Tensor(reward).to(self.device)
# Train model with policy gradient
loss = loss * ( reward - self.beta )
loss = -loss.mean()
self.monitor.saveProgress(step_idx, None, total_steps, None, loss=loss.item())
return loss.item()
[docs] @abstractmethod
def sampleEncodedPairsToLoader(self, net, loader):
Sample new fragments-molecule pairs from a data loader.
[docs] def fit(self, train_loader, valid_loader=None, epochs=1000, patience=50, criteria='desired_ratio', min_epochs=100, monitor=None):
Fit the graph explorer to the training data.
train_loader : torch.utils.data.DataLoader
Data loader for training data
valid_loader : torch.utils.data.DataLoader
Data loader for validation data
epochs : int
Number of epochs to train for
patience : int
Number of epochs to wait for improvement before early stopping
criteria : str
Criteria to use for early stopping
min_epochs : int
Minimum number of epochs to train for
monitor : Monitor
Monitor to use for logging and saving model
self.monitor = monitor if monitor else NullMonitor()
self.bestState = deepcopy(self.agent.state_dict())
n_iters = 1 if self.crover is None else 10
net = nn.DataParallel(self, device_ids=self.gpus)
logger.info(' ')
for it in range(n_iters):
if n_iters > 1:
logger.info('\n----------\nITERATION %d/%d\n----------' % (it, n_iters))
for epoch in tqdm(range(epochs), desc='Fitting graph explorer'):
epoch += 1
# If nSamples is set, sample a subset of the training data at each epoch
if self.nSamples > 0:
if epoch == 1:
train_loader_original = train_loader
valid_loader_original = valid_loader
train_loader = self.sample_input(train_loader_original)
valid_loader = self.sample_input(valid_loader_original, is_test=True)
# Sample encoded molecules from the network
loader = self.sampleEncodedPairsToLoader(net, train_loader)
# Train the agent with policy gradient
train_loss = self.policy_gradient(loader)
# Evaluate model on validation set
smiles, frags = self.agent.sample(valid_loader)
scores = self.agent.evaluate(smiles, frags, evaluator=self.env, no_multifrag_smiles=self.no_multifrag_smiles)
scores['SMILES'], scores['Frags'] = smiles, frags
# Compute metrics
metrics = self.getNovelMoleculeMetrics(scores)
metrics['loss_train'] = train_loss
# Save evaluate criteria and save best model
if metrics[criteria] > self.best_value:
self.saveBestState(metrics[criteria], epoch, it)
# Log performance and generated compounds
self.logPerformanceAndCompounds(epoch, metrics, scores)
# Early stopping
if (epoch >= min_epochs) and (epoch - self.last_save > patience) : break
if self.crover is not None:
logger.warning('Behavior of using crover with a Transformer is not tested yet. Use at your own risk.')
if it - self.last_iter > 1: break