Source code for drugex.molecules.converters.standardizers


Created by: Martin Sicho
On: 21.04.22, 12:19

from rdkit import Chem
from rdkit.Chem.MolStandardize import rdMolStandardize

from drugex.logs import logger
from drugex.molecules.converters.interfaces import MolConverter, ConversionException

[docs]class StandardizationException(ConversionException): """ Custom exception class to recognize and catch standardization errors. """ pass
[docs]class DefaultStandardizer(MolConverter): """ Original standardization implementation from the original DrugEx v3. """ def __call__(self, smiles): """ Takes smiles of the input molecule and converts it to a standardized represenation. Raises: StandardizationException: thrown when the standardizer encountered a failure Args: smiles: input molecule as SMILES Returns: converted SMILES as `str` """ try: rd_mol = Chem.MolFromSmiles(smiles) charger = rdMolStandardize.Uncharger() chooser = rdMolStandardize.LargestFragmentChooser() disconnector = rdMolStandardize.MetalDisconnector() normalizer = rdMolStandardize.Normalizer() carbon = Chem.MolFromSmarts('[#6]') salts = Chem.MolFromSmarts('[Na,Zn]') rd_mol = disconnector.Disconnect(rd_mol) rd_mol = normalizer.normalize(rd_mol) rd_mol = chooser.choose(rd_mol) rd_mol = charger.uncharge(rd_mol) rd_mol = disconnector.Disconnect(rd_mol) rd_mol = normalizer.normalize(rd_mol) smileR = Chem.MolToSmiles(rd_mol, 0) # remove SMILES that do not contain carbon if len(rd_mol.GetSubstructMatches(carbon)) == 0: raise StandardizationException(f"No carbon in SMILES: {smileR}") # remove SMILES that still contain salts if len(rd_mol.GetSubstructMatches(salts)) > 0: raise StandardizationException(f"Salt removal failed: {smileR}") return smileR except StandardizationException as exp: raise exp except Exception as exp: logger.exception(f'Unexpected error during standardization: {smiles}') raise StandardizationException(exp)
[docs]class CleanSMILES(MolConverter): """ Converter used to clean SMILES strings at some places. At the moment the reasons for its existence are unclear... """ def __init__(self, is_deep=True): self.deep = is_deep def __call__(self, smile): orig_smile = smile smile = smile.replace('[O]', 'O').replace('[C]', 'C') \ .replace('[N]', 'N').replace('[B]', 'B') \ .replace('[2H]', '[H]').replace('[3H]', '[H]') try: mol = Chem.MolFromSmiles(smile) if self.deep: mol = rdMolStandardize.ChargeParent(mol) smileR = Chem.MolToSmiles(mol, 0) smile = Chem.CanonSmiles(smileR) except: raise ConversionException(f"Cleanup error: {orig_smile}") return smile