Created by: Martin Sicho
On: 06.05.22, 12:19
import re
from itertools import combinations
from typing import List, Tuple, Union
import numpy as np
from rdkit import Chem
from rdkit.Chem import Recap, BRICS
from drugex.logs import logger
from drugex.molecules.converters.interfaces import ConversionException
from drugex.molecules.converters.standardizers import CleanSMILES
[docs]class Fragmenter(CleanSMILES):
Reference implementation of the original fragmenter used in DrugEx v3.
def __init__(self, n_frags : int, n_combs : int, method : str = 'recap', deep_clean : bool = True, max_bonds : int = 75, allow_single : bool = False):
n_frags: number of fragments to generate per compound
n_combs: maximum number of combinations of the found leaf fragments
method: fragmentation method to use. Possible values: ('recap', 'brics')
deep_clean: deep clean the SMILES before fragmentation (see `CleanSMILES`)
max_bonds: only accept molecules with the number of bonds below or equal to this threshold
allow_single: return the fragment also for molecules that result in only one fragment
self.nFrags = n_frags
self.nCombs = n_combs
self.method = method
self.maxBonds = max_bonds
self.allowSingle = allow_single
if self.method not in ('recap', 'brics'):
raise ConversionException(f"Unknown fragmentation method: {self.method}")
[docs] def getFragments(self, mol : Chem.Mol) -> Union[np.array, None]:
Get fragments form an RDKit molecule
mol: instance of `rdkit.Chem.Mol`
`numpy.array` of generated fragments
# break molecule into leaf fragments
if self.method == 'recap':
frags = np.array(sorted(Recap.RecapDecompose(mol).GetLeaves().keys()))
frags = BRICS.BRICSDecompose(mol)
frags = np.array(sorted({re.sub(r'\[\d+\*\]', '*', f) for f in frags}))
if len(frags) == 1 and not self.allowSingle:
logger.warning(f"Only one retrieved fragment for molecule: {Chem.MolToSmiles(mol)}. Skipping...")
return None
return frags
[docs] def filterFragments(self, frags : List[str]) -> List[str]:
Filter fragments to remove those that are contained in other fragments or are too small,
and keep only the largest ones.
frags: `list` of fragments
`list` of filtered fragments
# replace connection tokens with [H]
du, hy = Chem.MolFromSmiles('*'), Chem.MolFromSmiles('[H]')
subs = np.array([Chem.MolFromSmiles(f) for f in frags])
subs = np.array([Chem.RemoveHs(Chem.ReplaceSubstructs(f, du, hy, replaceAll=True)[0]) for f in subs])
subs = np.array([m for m in subs if m.GetNumAtoms() > 1])
# remove fragments that contain other fragments (or are contained in other fragments?)
match = np.array([[m.HasSubstructMatch(f) for f in subs] for m in subs])
frags = subs[match.sum(axis=0) == 1]
# sort the fragments and only keep n_frag largest ones
frags = sorted(frags, key=lambda x:-x.GetNumAtoms())[:self.nFrags]
frags = [Chem.MolToSmiles(Chem.RemoveHs(f)) for f in frags]
return frags
def __call__(self, smiles : str) -> Union[List[Tuple[str, str]], None]:
Generate fragment-molecule pairs for a given SMILES string.
smiles: SMILES of the molecule to fragment
a list of `tuple`s of format (fragment, smiles), smiles is the same as the input in "smiles"
ret_frags = []
mol = Chem.MolFromSmiles(smiles)
if mol is None:
logger.warning(f"Molecule skipped due to invalid SMILES: {smiles}")
return None
if self.maxBonds and mol.GetNumBonds() >= self.maxBonds:
logger.warning(f"Molecule skipped due to threshold on maximum bond count ({self.maxBonds}): {smiles}")
return None
frags = self.getFragments(mol)
if frags is None:
return None
frags = self.filterFragments(frags)
max_comb = min(self.nCombs, len(frags))
for ix in range(1, max_comb+1):
# combine leaf fragments into larger fragments
combs = combinations(frags, ix)
for comb in combs:
comb_frags = '.'.join(comb)
#remove pair of fragment combinations if longer than original SMILES
if len(comb_frags) > len(smiles): continue
# check if substructure is in original molecule
if mol.HasSubstructMatch(Chem.MolFromSmarts(comb_frags)):
ret_frags.append((comb_frags, smiles))
return ret_frags
[docs]class FragmenterWithSelectedFragment(Fragmenter):
Fragmenter that only returns fragments-molecule pairs where the input fragments contain the fragment
specified in the constructor.
If `exclusive=True`, only return fragments that contain the specified fragment and nothing else
def __init__(self, fragment : str, n_frags : int, n_combs : int, method : str = 'recap', deep_clean : bool = True, max_bonds : int =75, allow_single : bool = False, exclusive : bool = False):
fragment: fragment to search for
n_frags: number of fragments to generate per compound
n_combs: maximum number of combinations of the found leaf fragments
method: fragmentation method to use. Possible values: ('recap', 'brics')
deep_clean: deep clean the SMILES before fragmentation (see `CleanSMILES`)
max_bonds: only accept molecules with the number of bonds below or equal to this threshold
allow_single: return the fragment also for molecules that result in only one fragment
exclusive: if True, only return fragments that contain the specified fragment and nothing else
super().__init__(n_frags, n_combs, method, deep_clean, max_bonds, allow_single)
self.fragment = fragment
self.exclusive = exclusive
def __call__(self, smiles : str) -> Union[List[Tuple[str, str]], None]:
Generate fragment-molecule pairs for a given SMILES string and only return those that contain the specified fragment.
smiles: SMILES of the molecule to fragment
a list of `tuple`s of format (fragment, smiles), smiles is the same as the input in "smiles"
ret_frags = []
mol = Chem.MolFromSmiles(smiles)
if not mol.HasSubstructMatch(Chem.MolFromSmarts(self.fragment)):
logger.warning(f"Molecule skipped due to missing the `{self.fragment}` fragment: {smiles}")
return None
if self.maxBonds and mol.GetNumBonds() >= self.maxBonds:
logger.warning(f"Molecule skipped due to threshold on maximum bond count ({self.maxBonds}): {smiles}")
return None
frags = self.getFragments(mol)
if frags is None:
return None
frags = self.filterFragments(frags)
if self.exclusive:
# only return fragments that contain the specified fragment and nothing else
frags = [f for f in frags if Chem.CanonSmiles(f) == Chem.CanonSmiles(self.fragment)]
if len(frags) == 0:
logger.warning(f"Molecule skipped due to missing the `{self.fragment}` fragment: {smiles}")
return None
max_comb = min(self.nCombs, len(frags))
for ix in range(1, max_comb+1):
# combine leaf fragments into larger fragments
combs = combinations(frags, ix)
for comb in combs:
comb_frags = '.'.join(comb)
# remove combination that do not contain the selected fragment
if not Chem.MolFromSmiles(comb_frags).HasSubstructMatch(Chem.MolFromSmarts(self.fragment)): continue
# remove pair of fragment combinations if longer than original SMILES
if len(comb_frags) > len(smiles): continue
# check if substructure is in original molecule
if mol.HasSubstructMatch(Chem.MolFromSmarts(comb_frags)):
ret_frags.append((comb_frags, smiles))
return ret_frags