Created by: Martin Sicho
On: 07.05.22, 15:54
import os
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from drugex.logs import logger
from drugex.parallel.interfaces import ResultCollector
[docs]class DataSplitter(ABC):
Splits input data into multiple parts.
def __call__(self, data):
data: input data to split
a tuple of splits
[docs]class DataToLoader(ABC):
Responsible for the conversion of raw input data into data loaders used by the DrugEx models for training.
def __call__(self, data, batch_size, vocabulary):
[docs]class DataSet(ResultCollector, ABC):
Data sets represent encoded input data for the various DrugEx models. Each `DataSet` is associated with a file and also acts as a `ResultCollector` to append data from parallel operations (see `ParallelProcessor`). The `DataSet` is also coupled with the `Vocabulary` used to encode the data in it. However, `Vocabulary` is usually saved in a separate file(s) and needs to be loaded explicitly with `DataSet.readVocs()`.
def __init__(self, path, rewrite=False, save_voc=True, voc_file=None):
Initialize this `DataSet`. A path to the associated file must be given. Data is saved to this file upon calling `DataSet.save()`.
If the associated file already exists, the data is loaded automatically upon initialization.
path : str
Path to the file to use for this `DataSet`.
rewrite : bool
If `True`, the associated file is deleted and a new one is created. If `False`, the data is loaded from the file if it exists.
save_voc : bool
If `True`, the vocabulary is saved to a separate file. If `False`, the vocabulary is not saved.
voc_file : str
Path to the file to use for the vocabulary. If `None`, the vocabulary is saved to a file with the same name as the data set file but with the `.vocab` extension.
self.outpath = path
self.save_voc = save_voc
self.voc_file = voc_file
if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(self.outpath)):
self.voc = None
if rewrite:
except FileNotFoundError:
logger.warning(f"Initialized empty dataset. The data set file does not exist (yet): {self.outpath}. You can add data by calling this instance with the appropriate parameters.")
[docs] def reset(self):
logger.info(f"Initializing new {self.__class__.__name__} at {self.outpath}...")
if os.path.exists(self.outpath):
logger.info(f"Removed: {self.outpath}")
voc_path = self.getVocPath()
if os.path.exists(voc_path):
logger.info(f"Removed: {voc_path}")
logger.info(f"{self} initialized.")
[docs] def getVocPath(self):
if self.voc_file:
return self.voc_file
return f'{self.outpath}.vocab'
[docs] def sendDataToFile(self, data, columns=None):
header_written = os.path.isfile(self.outpath)
open_mode = 'a' if header_written else 'w'
pd.DataFrame(data, columns=columns if columns else [f'Col{x+1}' for x in range(len(data[0]))]).to_csv(
header=not header_written,
[docs] def getData(self, chunk_size=None):
Get this `DataSet` as a pandas `DataFrame`.
chunk_size: the size of the chunk to load at a time
pandas `DataFrame` representing this instance. If "chunks" is specified an iterator is returned that supplies the chunks.
kwargs = dict()
if chunk_size:
kwargs['chunksize'] = chunk_size
return pd.read_csv(self.outpath, sep='\t', header=0, **kwargs).to_numpy()
[docs] def updateVoc(self, voc):
Accept a `Vocabulary` instance and add it to the existing one.
voc: vocabulary to add
if not self.voc:
self.voc = voc
self.voc += voc
if self.save_voc:
[docs] def getVoc(self):
Return the `Vocabulary` associated with this data set (should comprise all tokens within it). The vocabulary can be generated from the results collected from `CorpusEncoder` or `FragmentCorpusEncoder` on which this class acts as a collector. Or it can be loaded from files with `DataSet.readVocs()`.
the associated `Vocabulary` instance.
return self.voc
[docs] def setVoc(self, voc):
self.voc = voc
[docs] def fromFile(self, path, vocs=tuple(), voc_class=None):
Initialize this `DataSet` from file and load the associated vocabulary.
path: Path to the encoded data.
vocs: Paths to the file(s) containing the vocabulary
voc_class: The `Vocabulary` implementation to initialize.
self.outpath = path
if os.path.exists(self.outpath):
if vocs:
self.readVocs(vocs, voc_class)
raise FileNotFoundError(f"The specified data file does not exist: {self.outpath}")
[docs] def asDataLoader(self, batch_size, splitter=None, split_converter=None, n_samples=-1, n_samples_ratio=None):
Convert the data in this `DataSet` to a compatible PyTorch `DataLoader`.
batch_size: the desired batch size
splitter: If a split of the data is required (i.e. training/validation set) a custom `ChunkSplitter` can be supplied. Otherwise, only a single `DataLoader` is created.
split_converter: a custom `DataToLoader` implementation can be supplied to convert each split to a `DataLoader`. By default, the `DataSet.dataToLoader()` method is used instead.
n_samples: Number of desired samples in the supplied data before splitting. If "n_samples > 0" and "len(data) < n_samples", the data of the `DataSet` is oversampled to match "len(data) == n_samples"
n_samples_ratio: If supplied only "n_samples*n_samples_ratio" samples are generated from this `DataSet` before splitting.
a `tuple` of PyTorch `DataLoader` instances matching the number of splits as defined by the current "splitter". If only one `DataLoader` split data set is created, it returns its `DataLoader` directly.
split_converter = split_converter if split_converter else self.dataToLoader
data = self.getData()
if len(data) == 0:
raise ValueError("DataSet is not initialized. Cannot convert to data loader.")
if n_samples_ratio:
n_samples = int(n_samples*n_samples_ratio)
if n_samples > 0 and n_samples > len(data):
logger.info('Replicating original {} samples of data to have set of {} samples.'.format(len(data), n_samples))
data = np.asarray(data)
m = int(n_samples/data.shape[0])
data = data.repeat(m, axis=0)
results = []
for split in self.createLoaders(data, batch_size, splitter=splitter, converter=split_converter):
if len(results) == 1:
return results[0]
return results
[docs] @staticmethod
def dataToLoader(data, batch_size, vocabulary):
The default method to use to convert data (as returned from `DataSet.getData()`) to a PyTorch `DataLoader`. Basically, mirrors the `DataToLoader` interface.
data: data from `DataSet.getData()`
batch_size: specified batch size for the `DataLoader`
vocabulary: a `Vocabulary` instance (in this case should be the same as returned by `DataSet.getVoc()`)
typically an instance of PyTorch `DataLoader` generated from "data", but depends on the implementation
[docs] def createLoaders(self, data, batch_size, splitter=None, converter=None):
Facilitates splitting and conversion of data to `DataLoader`s.
data: data to convert
batch_size: batch size
splitter: the `ChunkSplitter` to use
converter: the `DataToLoader` instance to convert with
a `list` of created data loaders (same length as the "splitter" return value)
splits = []
if splitter:
splits = splitter(data)
return [converter(split, batch_size, self.getVoc()) if converter else split for split in splits]
[docs] def readVocs(self, paths, voc_class, *args, **kwargs):
Read vocabularies from files and add them together to form the full vocabulary for this `DataSet`.
paths: file paths to vocabulary files
voc_class: `Vocabulary` implementation to initialize from the files
*args: any positional arguments passed to the `Vocabulary` constructor besides "words"
**kwargs: any keyword arguments passed to the `Vocabulary` constructor
if not paths:
raise ValueError(f'Invalid paths: {paths}.')
vocs = [voc_class.fromFile(path, *args, **kwargs) for path in paths]
if len(vocs) > 1:
voc = sum(vocs[1:], start=vocs[0])
voc = vocs[0]
return self.setVoc(voc)
[docs]class FragmentPairEncoder(ABC):
Encode fragments and the associated molecules for the fragment-based DrugEx models.
[docs] @abstractmethod
def encodeMol(self, mol):
Encode molecule.
mol: molecule as SMILES
a `tuple` of the molecule tokens (as determined by the specified vocabulary) and the encoded representation
[docs] @abstractmethod
def encodeFrag(self, mol, mol_tokens, frag):
Encode fragment.
mol: the parent molecule of this fragment
mol_tokens: the encoded representation of the parent molecule
frag: the fragment to encode
the encoded representation of the fragment-molecule pair (i.e. the generated tokens corresponding to both the fragment and the parent molecule)
[docs] @abstractmethod
def getVoc(self):
The vocabulary used for encoding.
a `Vocabulary` instance