Source code for


Created by: Martin Sicho
On: 26.04.22, 16:47
from rdkit import Chem

from drugex.logs import logger
from import Corpus
from import VocSmiles, VocGraph

[docs]class SequenceCorpus(Corpus): """ A `Corpus` to encode molecules for the sequence-based models. """ def __init__(self, molecules, vocabulary=VocSmiles(False), update_voc=True, throw = False, check_unique=True): """ Create a sequence corpus. Args: molecules: an `iterable`, `MolSupplier` or a `list`-like data structure to supply sequence representations of molecules (i.e. SMILES strings) vocabulary: a `SequenceVocabulary` instance to be used for encoding and collecting tokens update_voc: `True` if the tokens in the vocabulary should be updated with new tokens derived from the data (the `SequenceVocabulary.addWordsFromSeq()` method is used for splitting instead of doing simply `SequenceVocabulary.splitSequence()`) throw: 'True' if molecules that contain tokens that are not in the vocabulary should be thrown out of corpus (the `SequenceVocabulary.removeIfNew()` method is used for splitting instead of doing simply `SequenceVocabulary.splitSequence()`) check_unique: Skip identical sequences in "molecules". """ super().__init__(molecules) self.vocabulary = vocabulary self.updateVoc = update_voc self.throw = throw if self.updateVoc and self.throw: logger.warning(f"update_voc and throw cannot both be true at same time, defaulting to update_voc") self.checkUnique = check_unique self._unique = set()
[docs] def saveVoc(self, path): """ Save the current state of the vocabulary to a file. Args: path: Path to the generated file. Returns: `None` """ self.vocabulary.toFile(path)
[docs] def getVoc(self): """ Return current vocabulary. Returns: Current vocabulary as a `SequenceVocabulary` instance. """ return self.vocabulary
[docs] def processMolecule(self, seq): """ Generate encoding information for the given molecule sequence. Args: seq: molecule as a sequence (i.e. SMILES string) Returns: a `dict` where "seq" is the key to the original sequence and "token" to the generated encoding of this sequence """ if self.checkUnique and seq in self._unique: return None tokens = None if self.updateVoc: tokens = self.vocabulary.addWordsFromSeq(seq) elif self.throw: tokens = self.vocabulary.removeIfNew(seq) else: tokens = self.vocabulary.splitSequence(seq) if tokens: if self.checkUnique: self._unique.add(seq) output = self.vocabulary.encode([tokens[: -1]]) code = output[0].reshape(-1).tolist() return code